Monday, November 6, 2017

Guy Fawkes Night

Yesterday was Guy Fawkes Night. Locals would light up fireworks and firecrackers from their backyard. It is the only time in the year when it feels like the beginning of New year's Eve celebration from Pinas. I say "the beginning" coz it's very low key and not as noisy as it was back in Manila. After dinner, the kids and i lit some sparklers. Afterwards, we walked up Mt. Albert Domain to get a view of the city and the fireworks being launched from around the city.
You can hear the crackling and booming in the background, with the occasional lights as we walked up the road. Rose is easily frightened by this, saying that it feels like there's war. I told her nah! It's just fireworks. (Celebrating New Year's Eve in Manila was definitely like a war zone! Each year the firecrackers became louder and more dangerous. Here in Auckland, there is rarely any bang, just a crackle, maybe a pop, and the display of sparks!)
She asked what will happen if a firework lands on you. I said you could get burns so you'll need to go to hospital. Then I told her she should learn how to dodge the fireworks. She smiled when she saw me dodge. And she tried to do it too, then I sang "let's dance dance... i've got a feeling". She stopped me from singing saying I was to think of another song instead. We somehow ended up singing or at least tried to sing Twinkle twinkle little star, and next would be the Moana song.
Half an hour on, we made it to the top of the domain and viewed the busy night sky of central Auckland.

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