Monday, May 2, 2016

Green Smoke and Whispers

When my daughter woke up that morning, she talked about green smoke coming out from her ears. That means she's hearing whispers. She was telling me about this while whispering to my ear.

Too many movies for her. Interesting imagination.

Play Dates and Picnics

Weekends tend to be short especially if you squeeze in play time and picnic at the park on both days.

The weather is surprisingly warm as we headed to Onepoto Domain at Northcote. They have a great cycling route ideal for small bikes and scooters. The playground caters for both small and big kids and they've got a flying fox!

It was a play date with Julia's kids. We brought the kids' scooters and packed a picnic (pasta twist in tomato sauce, baked potato wedges, potato crisps, sliced apples). I've been busy in the kitchen since 7am that Saturday. Did the laundry early so i had clothes waiting to be folded by the time we headed back home. We got home mid afternoon which was plenty of time to vacuum and wash my car. Grocery was sorted, and I had dinner going shortly: ginisang ampalaya with giniling na baboy.

I was exhausted and got in bed early, which was before 9pm. The next day, we went to church and the kids wanted to go for a picnic lunch. I still had leftover pasta and i made some brownies that morning so it was easy to prepare for this. Sunday is cloudy but that didn't stop father and son to take photos. We went to Cornwall park and decided to take some family photos there, with the sheep! My son enjoyed taking photos with our old camera. it was getting chilly so we headed back.

Dynah and family came for a visit and they got 6 month old Juanito with them. We haven't seen them for close to a year and it's great to finally meet the newest member of the family.

Both families are looking forward to the next play date, hoping that the next weekends can still be enjoyed outdoors.

Kids Dealing with Boredom

It was a fine weekend but it was so humid last Sunday. I have updated the bedding and our wardrobes with summer items. I was starting to hav...